Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Happy Halloween, Dr. Thirteen! Adventure Comics #428 (Aug. 1973)

Another Halloween means another look back at an adventure of the 'physician of phenomenology,' the 'surgeon of skepticism' (my phrases), Dr. Terrence Thirteen!  Last year around this time I spoke a bit about the good Dr.'s publishing history, and recapped a couple of his adventures - including his 1st appearance, and his confrontation with the Spectre - this year, I'll be taking a look at one of Dr. Thirteen's solo stories (in the issue of Adventure Comics that debuted Black Orchid) gorgeously illustrated by Tony Dezuniga!

Download this episode HERE!

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Reboot Review 18: Legion of Super-Heroes #75 & Legionnaires #32 (Dec. 1995)

On this episode of Reboot Review, I'll be providing a recap and commentary to the 2 Legion-related issues tying into DC Comics' 1995 line-wide x-over event, Underworld Unleashed!

21 years ago, the villains of the DCU were unleashed (as the name suggests) on the earth - and on the timestream!  This event - where heroes took on some unfamiliar foes - provided some interesting match-ups, not the least of which was the Legion facing off against old Atom enemy, Chronos!

In these issues we also see the (near) return of the timelost XS, and the introduction of a couple of important supporting characters.  If you're so inclined:

Download this episode HERE!