Wednesday, March 22, 2017

ITG's ABCs: Phantom Lady Action Comics Weekly #s 636-641 (Jan. - Mar. 1989)

On this episode of ITG's ABCs (which is short for Anthology & Back-up Comics Stories), I'll be taking a look at the 6-part Phantom Lady serial from Action Comics Weekly #s 636-641!

This series introduced a new legacy hero to the DCU, as recent college grad Dee Tyler attempts to fill the singular one-piece of Golden Age great, Sandra Knight!  I think Dee showed some potential, and writer Len Strazewski packed this series with ideas that I think could have supported an ongoing series, had the public demanded it.  Still, we're left with what I think is one of the more enjoyable Action Comics Weekly features, so please have a listen to my recap!

Download this episode HERE!